
Showing posts from December, 2020

Strength TogetHER 5- Session 8

  14th December,2020 Happiness is not something readymade. It comes from our own actions. To be happy we need to cherish even small moments of our lives.  In order to cherish the smallest happiness and to add more sparkle in our lives, Strength TogetHER cohort 5 conducted its eighth session on the topic ," Best things in life are free." . The session was moderated by Mrs, Aayusha Gupta, who has currently ventured out into starting into her own practise firm. She is a young chartered accountant and also loves talking to people of different background. We started the session by hearing each one's story which added more joy and excitement. • Our first speaker confessed that she finds happiness in very small things. It is very difficult for her to get sad. Concluding, it is good as well as bad trait that she possesses. • Our second speaker says that she finds her happiness in her family. She feels happy when she is able to bring a beautiful smile on her family members's

Strength togetHER cohort 5- session 7

 28th November, 2020 YOU CAN BE A GOOD PERSON WITH A KIND HEART AND STILL SAY NO !  Attending the previous sessions of  Strength TogetHER cohort 5 ,we slowly realized that most of us had this confusion between saying the words "YES" and "NO" .This gave us a brilliant idea for our next session's topic i.e " THE ART OF SAYING NO " which was conducted  on 28th November, 2020  under the guidance of our cheerful Mrs. Aayusha Gupta, who is a CA and has recently started her own practice firm.She is also the secretary of Dharan Toastmasters Club and an amazing public speaker. Due to our busy schedule,we heard the stories of only three of our participants .But those three stories were enough for the rest of us to relate to : • Our first speaker shared her childhood's story when her friend used to ask her to underline every line in her textbook that the teacher taught . She didn't want to make her book dirty nor she wanted to say NO to her friend