Strength togetHER cohort 5- session 7

 28th November, 2020


 Attending the previous sessions of  Strength TogetHER cohort 5 ,we slowly realized that most of us had this confusion between saying the words "YES" and "NO".This gave us a brilliant idea for our next session's topic i.e "THE ART OF SAYING NO" which was conducted  on 28th November, 2020  under the guidance of our cheerful Mrs. Aayusha Gupta, who is a CA and has recently started her own practice firm.She is also the secretary of Dharan Toastmasters Club and an amazing public speaker.

Due to our busy schedule,we heard the stories of only three of our participants .But those three stories were enough for the rest of us to relate to :

• Our first speaker shared her childhood's story when her friend used to ask her to underline every line in her textbook that the teacher taught . She didn't want to make her book dirty nor she wanted to say NO to her friend. Later with all the courage she confronted her friend and said that she won't make her book dirty from then on casually. Now she says, it wasn't that hard to say NO than she thought at that very moment. She was happy with the response of her friend when she said NO.

• When our second speaker was asked to share her story in this session , although she couldn't think of any stories relating to the topic at that very moment,she still said yes cause it always had been hard for her to say NO and agreed to share her story .She also shared about the time when her constant habit of saying yes to everyone made her close friends to scold her and teach her about self respect.

• Our last speaker shared one of her sister's stories who always had a hard time saying NO .Even when she asks a shopkeeper about the price of a cloth, she tends to buy it the other day although it's expensive because she never wanted to let the keeper down by saying  NO. Personally our second speaker had no problem saying No and she says that it's not that hard to say No.

After listening to all of them ,our moderator with a sweet smile recited a quote by Warren Buffet , "Very Successful People Say No To Almost Everything". In this journey of making ourselves a better person, we were beautifully educated by our moderator and some of her subtle and meaningful opinions on "WHY NO?"  and some conclusion of the session are listed below:

We should learn to value our time by saying NO.

• We must know our priorities or else other people's priorities will take precedence over ours.

• We will end up frustrated and stressed if we say YES to almost everything.

• We will be able to say yes to the really important things if we learnt to say No.

• Don't apologize for saying No.

• We must practice saying No. 

Also few participants were asked about the reasons why they had hard time saying No. Some of their answers were:

• They didn't want to hurt other people.

• They would appear rude in front of other people.

• They had the fear of being judged.

• They thought karma would hit them .

Our moderator said that this problem of saying yes to everything is more common than we think  especially for those who are empathetic or nurturing. But still Saying no for better remains at top she said. This beautiful session really taught us that saying No is an amazing art .The successful conduction of the 7th session of Strength TogetHER 5 made our saturday more fun and fruitful too.Wrapping up the session capturing our moment,we promised to be a artist who practices the art, THE ART OF SAYING  NO !

Written by: Binisha Bhattarai 


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