
Showing posts from October, 2020

Strength TogetHER 5- Session 4

  17th October,2020 Audre Lorde once said and I truly quote, "It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept and celebrate those differences." If we really give this quote a deep think, we will realize the heavy truth prevailing in this simple thread of words. We often tag certain things as "unordinary" just because our version of the "ordinary" was different. To put up in simpler words, most of the times, we are unsatisfied with the reality because we had a different expectation put up in our head. But, it's not wrong when we hesitate to accept the unordinary because it's a "human thing" to do. To accept the unordinaries, whether it's a place or an event or our friends or even our own selves, the topic for this time was "Accepting the unordinary." We had our session on 17th October, 2020 and to help us see the beauty of our flaws and celebrate it, our moderators was our joyful and energ

Strength TogetHER 5- Session 3

October 3, 2020 "Positivity is not the only emotion we know. Human beings are known to have a wide variety of emotions. And, experiencing them all is totally okay." People always share about how to be positive. If we scroll our social media for 5 minutes, we will land upon at least two quotes about positivity and happiness. But the way I figure it out, positivity and happiness is just an add up. To not feel any happiness is what I call normal. If I had to rate the emotions out of 10, I would rate  negative emotions   below 5,  no emotions  a fair 5  and   positive emotions   above 5 . And trust me, below 5 is what an average human normally experiences and it's totally okay. To normalize all these emotions and to talk about how feeling low is sometimes okay  Strength togetHER cohort 5  had its 3rd session on 3rd October, 2020 with the topic " It's okay to be not okay ". To help us and guide us with the same topic, our moderator for the session was  Ms. Aayush

Strength TogetHER 5- Session 2

19th September, 2020. With the same excitement and enthusiasm, we successfully completed the second session of strength togetHER cohort 5. Strength togetHER is facilitated by Lokopakar, which is growing day by day and expanding its platform to a larger group of girls. Our moderator for this session was Ashmita Sharma ma'am, currently working as a marketing manager of Fightback. She has pursued MBA degree in marketing. She is an organised and creative person with full of enthusiasm working to expand the market of company that works to reduce the risk of sexual violence in women and girls. Taking her field of specialization in mind, we chose the topic - "Untold stories - A time when I felt unsafe" . We had to share our personal stories of times when we felt unsafe. We had seven speakers who shared their personal stories. I personally, was very excited to hear all of them. The stories we got to hear are: • Our first speaker said that once while she was returning home alone b