
Showing posts from September, 2020

Strength TogetHER 5- Session 1

5th September 2020 "A strong woman stands up for herself and the stronger one stands up for everybody else."  The main motto of Strength TogetHER is to rise ourselves by lifting others as well. A strong woman is one who feels deeply and loves fiercely. She is both practical and spiritual. And, that's what we all are in this session- strong women. Strength togetHER is a virtual platform which provides safe space for girls. It is facilitated by Lokopakar, a youth organisation bringing innovative programs for the youths. It has already helped many girls to gain self confidence and realise their self worth. This program has inspired many young girls to discover their self love. Therefore, we decided to expand the session to a larger audience. And I feel so proud to say that we have conducted the introductory session of Strength togetHER, cohort 5 successfully. We were really excited to start the session with a new group of girls. I was very excited to meet and talk with new p